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Psychic Attacks

How to protect yourself against Spiritual / Psychic attacks


Spiritual / Psychic attacks aren’t as bad as they sound. Ever walked into a room and immediately felt tired or uneasy even just talking to someone and the same feeling of unease hits you? This could be an attack. It just means that you are feeling their emotions i.e. anger frustration's nervousness etc. Even illness. Don't worry it happens to most sensitive caring   people and 99% of the time it's not deliberate. Even the 1% that's deliberate can be protected against and it's easy to do.


How To...


Find a few minutes to sit and relax & to clear your mind of the day's worries concerns etc.

Now try and visualise (Imagine)yourself in a White bubble (The reason we use white is that it reflects all colours for added protection) Feel comfortable in this bubble for a few moments. Now imagine the bubble gently start to spin around (It doesn't matter which way) getting faster and faster until you don't even feel it spinning. Once you are comfortable with this you can then expand the bubble as big as you like even to expand around your house for total protection of you, your family & property. keep this for about 5 minutes and then carry on with your normal life.


Do this every day for 2 weeks and then reduce it over the next 2 weeks bit by bit to a comfortable feeling until you can do it once a week and occasionally top up as required.


It does work and you should feel the benefits soon.

Crystal Ball

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