Did you know that anyone can give some level of healing?
For example, Think of a loving mother or father! What's the first thing they do when a child hurts themselves? They hold that child and give them love not realising that the loving energy is going into the child.

Reiki is an energy balancing system and is based on the channelling of a form of energy, or a subtle energy. This energy can be referred to as 'chi', which you may have heard of. When you visit an acupuncturist they use needles to encourage energy to flow through a series of meridians or energy channels that run the length of your body; that energy is called 'chi'.

Psychic Attacks
Spiritual / Psychic attacks aren’t as bad as they sound. Ever walked into a room and immediately felt tired or uneasy even just talking to someone and the same feeling of unease hits you? This could be an attack. It just means that you are feeling their emotions i.e. anger frustration's nervousness etc. Even illness.

Feeling Your Energies
Did you know that you can give yourself healing.......?
Follow my easy step by step guide on how you can bring yourself inner happiness and peace.

A Chakra is like a spiral of energy, each one relating to the others. Chakra (pronounced sha-kra) is the Sanskrit word for ' wheel '. If you can imagine the main chakras / energy centres as a set of cogs/wheels, they are rather like the workings of a clock or an engine; each cog /wheel needs to move smoothly and at a similar speed for the clock / engine to work properly.